Vel lectus amet proin consectetur velit diam sapien suscipit. At donec morbi risus consectetur lacus dolor libero. Amet in ac magna leo turpis eget non id etiam.
Purus tincidunt urna tincidunt amet ridiculus aliquet nunc aliquam lacus. Cras nunc feugiat nulla sit congue cursus purus. Ac ut nulla viverra purus.
Turpis habitasse vel tellus vel nisi at lacus. Orci mauris felis ornare eu blandit ut tincidunt. Amet integer dui praesent.”
Vel lectus amet proin consectetur velit diam sapien suscipit. At donec morbi risus consectetur lacus dolor libero. Amet in ac magna leo turpis eget non id etiam.
Sit etiam a aenean egestas dui cursus urna nisl. Vulputate aenean at sed eget tortor sit. Aliquam tempus eu quam sed nulla lacus vitae. Euismod dui euismod neque vulputate. Mi dapibus pharetra nisi eleifend. Urna orci sollicitudin augue diam massa posuere. Eu nunc sollicitudin venenatis lorem interdum eget id semper. Sit ac porta ut vulputate tristique cras urna nec.
Nisl cras bibendum elit sed enim pulvinar. Dolor mauris sagittis neque sed pellentesque sit facilisi felis. Volutpat vitae pretium eu sapien vel. Id turpis sapien amet aliquam iaculis. Urna at in nunc libero. Pellentesque consequat nisl diam at. Nulla malesuada in egestas purus egestas id adipiscing massa. Molestie egestas malesuada bibendum lectus non vitae eget urna aliquet. Tortor condimentum lorem tempus turpis ornare ut in arcu.

Extract your ego from the creative process. Productivity is just ego fodder. Creation > productivity.
You are the bridge between the ordinary world and the special world. Keep it clear to remain a fluent translator.
Simplicity = expansion. All you need is what’s in front of you to do your Sacred Work. A practice space and time to practice. Everything else is NTH. (nice to have)

Free yourself from the tyranny of coolness. Aesthetic weirdos will inherit the earth.
Have faith in divergence. Divergent strategies pull us back to the importance of process. The work is the Work.
Collect accidents, wrong turns, incorrect answers. The wrong answer is the right answer in search of a different question. Increase your failure tolerance. If you’re doing it right, you’ll get it wrong a lot. Love the experiment.
Space is intelligent. Don’t underestimate it.
Drift. Abject boredom is the elusive key that opens the rarest portal of innovation.
In every moment you are surrounded by portals to other dimensions, realities, and universes. Portals appear to those who look. Stay vigilant!
Spot cosmic breadcrumbing. One door opens the next.
Don’t be precious. None of this lasts. It ain’t that deep.
How you spend your time is how you show what matters to you.
All of this is subject to change.